
Located in the heart of Chandigarh, the “Biomedical Instruments and Devices Hub” based at PGIMER is a center for innovation, design and clinical validation possesses the facilities, resources, team, and expertise needed to deliver capital efficient biomedtech innovation for innovators who are at any stage in the pathway from concept to commercialization.

“Biomedical HUB” based at ‘PGIMER’ with it’s Nodes

Inception & History

It all started way back in 2015 when a team representing DST led by Dr. Lazar Mathew (Chairman) and Dr. Anita Aggarwal visited PGIMER in the month of August 2015. Chairman (DST Expert Advisory Group) mooted the idea of a Bioinstruments Hub/Innovation Centre based at PGIMER along the lines of the Southern Hub (NHHID) at Anna University. Director PGIMER was enthusiastic about the idea and constituted a Core Team led by Prof. GD Puri to prepare a proposal for submission to the DST. Consequently, multiple meetings were undertaken at PGIMER Chandigarh, to build a team of committed Faculty members, seek innovative ideas for biomedical instruments/devices, prepare formal project proposals, and develop inter-disciplinary teams for executing the projects

A formal proposal for “Biomedical Instruments and Devices Hub- A Centre for Innovation, Design and Clinical validation” was formally submitted by Prof G D Puri and Prof. Joseph Mathew (Principal Investigators) with endorsement by Prof. Y K Chawla (Director PGIMER). The proposal was reviewed at a DST Expert Meeting held on 28 April 2016 at Chandigarh. This lead to the approval of the “Biomedical Instruments and Devices Hub: A Center for Innovation, Design and Clinical Validation”


To demonstrate the feasibility of transforming innovative ideas on biomedical instruments/devices to marketable products through the various design, development, testing and clinical validation steps.

To develop an institutional mechanism for clinical validation of indigenously designed/developed technology solutions for Indian health-care needs.

As a byproduct, to create an interdisciplinary platform for the development of innovative ideas related to biomedical instruments/devices and providing training/education in the various facets involved.


Healthcare is an expensive matter which translates to an immense financial burden for individuals and society. One of the reasons for the high cost of health-care today is that it is highly technology dependent; and in the absence of reliable, high-quality indigenous technology, the bulk is imported at considerable cost. Attempts have been made to procure cheaper technologies through imports from China and/or locally manufactured items. However, there are lacunae in terms of efficacy, safety, and reliability. Further, many of the indigenous technologies have been developed without considering the end user perspective; hence health-care providers are reluctant to use them.

There was definite need of the hour to encourage and facilitate the development of health technologies indigenously and take these through the full cycle from innovative ideas to research prototypes/working models, to clinical testing and ultimately commercial production and marketing.

The Path

A total of ten projects are in process and are at the various stages of development & validation. We are continuously working towards expanding the frontiers of Indian scientists. We have opened the door to new industrial markets and we are interacting with Industry on a partnership model.

It was pertinent to note that recent years have witnessed multiple calls for action-oriented proposals for innovation in the health-care sector and the current Governmental thrust on “make in India” underscores the urgent need to create indigenous technologies in diverse fields, including health-care.