A Centre for Innovation, Design and Clinical Validation
Testing & Calibration Center
The newest addition to the Biomedical Instruments & Devices Hub: A Centre for Innovation, Design, and Clinical Validation. The state-of-art facility was established with an aim to develop & test indigenous innovative medical equipment.
BID-Hub has started testing biomedical equipment for their safety as well as performance testing. Below are the no. of equipment tested at the centre.
Infusion Device Analyzer made Fluke (Model: IDA-1S) is a portable, battery-operated instrument that verifies the Performance of the Infusion Pump and Syringe Pump. It measures the accuracy of flow rate, volume delivered and the pressure generated in occlusions or blockages of the fluid line. Electrical Safety Analyzer made Fluke (Model: ESA615) is a full-featured, compact, portable analyzer, designed to verify the electrical safety of medical devices. It also simulates ECG to do performance tests on ECG monitors. Applications: · To check the electrical safety of all Medical Equipment’s which work on electric power. Survey Meter made RAM ION (Model: BAK-1940) is a battery-operated, auto-ranging, portable ion chamber survey meter designed for highly stable and accurate measurement of dose rates and integrated dose of gamma, x-ray and beta radiation. Applications: · To measure the scattered X Ray radiation around the X Ray machine.Tachometermade Fluke (Model: 931) is a hand-held instrument that accurately measures rotational Revolutions Per Minute (RPM). It measures surface speed as well as length. It is used the red beam function to make non-contact RPM measurements and a mechanical adapter to make contact RPM measurements. Applications: · To check the Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) of any rotational equipment (like centrifuge machine).Light meter made Lutron (Model: LX-1108) is a device used to measure the intensity of light. Applications: To check the quality, efficacy and intensity of OT light. Radiometer made Oregon Healthcare (Model: OHC2000)is designed to easily measure the exposure level of standard hyperbilirubinemia therapy systems directly in the patient plane. It helps to detect the variables of lamp ageing and patient distance from the lamp head can cause significant uncertainty in the resulting exposure. Applications: · To check the quality, efficacy of the Phototherapy machine. Pro-CT Dose Head and Body Phantom (LM) made Pro.Poject (Model: 04-203-1) is a set of homogenous cylinders designed to image pediatric and adult head & body. It is used for CT Dose Index (CTDI) measurement and to separate dose information for each. The user can also measure maximum, minimum and mid-range values of the nominal tomographic section thickness when performing dose profile measurements. Applications: · Check and measure the dose information of the CT Machine. Pro-CT Image Quality Phantom made Pro.Project (Model: 04-403) is a compact CT image quality testing solution. It is used for carrying out acceptance and constancy tests of computed tomography systems according to AAPM (American Association of Physicists in Medicine) guidelines. Applications: · To Check and Improve the Image Quality of CT machines. Pro-MAM Mammography phantom made Pro.Project (Model: 03-502) was designed to test the performance of a digital mammographic system by evaluating the system’s ability to image small structures similar to those found clinically: micro-calcifications, fibrous structures in ducts and tumour-like masses. Applications: · To Check and Improve the Image Quality of the Mammography Machine. Pro-Fluo 150 X-Ray Image Quality Phantom made Pro.Project (Model: 02-115) is dedicated to the acceptance and constancy tests of radiography and fluoroscopy equipment. Applications: · To Check and Improve the Image Quality, Collimation/beam alignment of the X-Ray Machine. Electrosurgical Analyzer made Rigel Medical (Model: Uni-Therm) measures the performance of electrosurgical generators (Cautery machines). It measures include; high-frequency leakage, high power current and power distribution, and patient return plate alarm testing. It is designed ultra-low inductive load bank provides highly accurate and stable test conditions at high-frequency currents. Applications: · To check the quality, efficacy of cautery machine Defibrillator Analyzer made Fluke (Model: Impulse 7000DP) is a portable, battery-powered precision instrument for testing external defibrillators. It is used to determine the performance of defibrillators and transcutaneous pacemakers through the measurement of energy output. Applications: · To check the quality, efficacy of Defibrillator A Vital Signs Simulator made Fluke (Model: Prosim8) is a portable simulator, used to measure the performance of patient monitors. It is intended to be used to test and verify the basic operation of patient monitoring devices or systems used to monitor various physiological parameters of a patient, including ECG, Respiration, Invasive blood pressure, Non-invasive blood pressure, Temperature, and Cardiac output. Applications: · To check the quality, efficacy of Patient Monitor Fetal Simulator made Fluke (Model: PS320) is a compact, lightweight, high-performance simulator for use in fetal monitor testing. Cardiotocographs or Electronic Fetal Monitoring (EFM) is a diagnostic tool used to identify a fetus at risk for neurological injury or death. It is to detect fetal hypoxia at its earliest stage and to attempt to prevent asphyxia resulting from prolonged and severe hypoxia. Applications: · To check the quality, efficacy of Fetal Monitor Incubator analyzer made Fluke (Model: INCU II) is used to measure the performance and safety of the baby incubators, transport incubators, and radiant warmers. These parameters are important to the care of infants over time. These parameters include temperature, airflow, sound, and humidity. Applications: · To check the quality, efficacy of incubators, transport incubators, and radiant warmers.